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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The list

So I have made a list of all the things that I need to get done. I'm a list maker for's a really bad habit. But I have a HUGE list of things that I need to finish and things I need to start making. I have a small children's accessories business and I have a couple orders that I need to get started on, I need to finish my photo wall, I need to finish my Patriotic decorating, I need to finish putting my basement back together ( I also run a childcare service from my house and I just painted the basement so now the process of putting things back and reorganizing begins!), and the list goes on and on...will it ever get done. Hopefully.I have been able to mark off 2 of my items on my that's a start! Well I leave you with one of my creations I have off to tackle the list.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

So many ideas...

Tons and Tons of ideas are running through my head. I have seen so many cute ideas from bloggers that I just want to get started with so many projects. But alas I have to do one project at a time ( boo) because if I don't I will never finish the first one I started. Oh well. I have started a couple cute girly things for my future niece. I have a bow business and I make all my bows, along with tutus, letter blocks, clippies, headbands, bow boards, etc. You should check it Here are some of the letter blocks I made for my cousins who was getting married.
These are super fun to make because you can make them say anything you want. I'm working on some new ones for July that will say Freedom! You'll just have to wait and see how they turn out. Alright..well off to finish some projects! Addios!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Here!

Well I've finally did it...I created my own blog. I had started blog stalking, I guess you could say,  all of these wonderful blogs of people who enjoy doing the same things that I do. So I thought I should start one as well so I could share my ideas and creations. So bare with me as I get this started. I'm SUPER excited about this!